Mathematical Sciences
Natural and Health Sciences
My research focuses on transfer of learning of mathematics concepts and exploration of mathematical creativity at the postsecondary level. I explore students’ ways of thinking to understand the ways in which they make connections between different contexts (e.g., mathematical topics), situations and environments. Together with the Creativity Research Group, I investigate various teaching approaches to enhance undergraduate students’ mathematical creativity. Other than these main areas of research, I am interested in exploring learning and teaching of linear algebra topics, problem solving, and metacognition.
I regularly teach and design mathematics content courses for preservice elementary majors, linear algebra for undergraduate mathematics majors, and graduate level mathematics education research courses.
I co-direct Northern Colorado Math Circles program and facilitate problem-solving sessions for 4-8 grade students and middle and high school mathematics inservice mathematics teachers.
I have also facilitate workshops for Academy of Inquiry-Based Learning (AIBL) team.
Karakok, G. (2020, in-press). Exploration of Students’ Mathematical Creativity with Actor-Oriented Transfer to Develop Actor-Oriented Creativity. In C. Hohensee & J. Lobato [Eds.], Transfer of Learning: Progressive Perspectives for Mathematics Education and Related Fields.
Hancock, E., Franco, L., Bagley, S. & Karakok, G. (2020, August). A holistic approach to supporting student-centered pedagogy: Navigating co-requisite Calculus 1. Problems and assessment to promote creative effort. PRIMUS.
Hancock, E. & Karakok, G. (2020, June). Supporting the development of process-focused metacognition during problem solving. Problems and assessment to promote creative effort. PRIMUS.
Karakok, G. (2019). Making connections among representations of eigenvector: What sort of a beast is it? ZDM Mathematics Education.
Omar, M., Karakok, G., Savic, M., El Turkey, H., & Tang, G. (2019). I felt like a mathematician: Problems and assessment to promote creative effort. PRIMUS, 29(1), 82-102.